🚧 Watch your head! 🚧

Hey y'all!!!

So, I don't think I've really tried to build/manage anything even remotely resembling a proper site since ye olde Neopets days, which, for me, is Quite A While Back 8V;;;; However, in the wake of cohost's pending shutdown announcement, I guess that was finally the last straw motivation I needed to just....suck it up and put something resembling my own site together...

This is gonna be MESSY and likely change around a lot!! idk how to manage html or css so I'm going to have to learn So Much and cobble together something presentable with the resources others have available for now :'3 Just bear with me lol

I'm specifically unsure of what the fuck I'm gonna do with this landing page, since I don't really want this to be my "about" or anything, but I don't really want a BLOG page front-and-center either.....I may have to bite the bullet n make this a sorta intro, though, for tidiness' sake, and make some sorta blog! idk! To have a blog be even remotely searchable here would require a level of coding that i am So So Afraid Of lmao so iunno...we'll see

Anyway, if you're here from cohost, hi welcome hello!!!!! Check out my socials in the sidebar (for now) or go straight to my carrd to see where I'm posting art atm. Cheers! 👍🏻

- Rhys